Submission Instructions

FLAIR 2022

The deadline for abstract submission is 9 May 2022.  Authors will be notified of the outcome of the selection process for an oral (12+3 minutes) or poster contribution on or before 18 June 2022 (delayed because of late submissions and busy schedules ...).

Post-deadline abstracts, if of high interest, will be considered for a limited number of presentations (principally in poster format).


Poster format is A0 portrait (vertical).


Please first create an author account* (top-right of the screen, just below the FLAIR logo), log-in, and go to the Abstract Submission page (not otherwise accessible). Following this you will be given the opportunity to download the Abstract Template. No editing of the abstract will take place after acceptation, other than truncating it such to one page, so please follow the style guideline! You will be asked to indicate a preference for either an oral or a poster presentation and your choice of one or more session topics. The organizers reserve the right to change these selections (in which case you will be notified).

You may download the Abstract Template also here in format .docx, .doc, or .odt.

This pdf file can be used to check the correct appearance of the template in your editing software.


All auhtors, please check your submitted abstract for correct formatting. If you need / want to correct your already accepted abstract, please send an email to Erik Kerstel with a request to unlock your abstract for modification.

*) If you have attended a previous "" conference (presumably in France) or used the French HAL open archive you may already posses an account associated with you email, and the system may refuse to create a new account. If you forgot your username and/or password you may attempt to reset it.




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