
Registration is open for FLAIR 2022 !


Important deadlines:

Abstract submission deadline: 9 May 2022

Please, first visit the Submission Instructions page, then submit your contribution on the Abstract Submission page. Note that you need to create an account on this website (top right of the page, just below the logo), and that this is completely separate from the conference registration.

Abstract acceptance notification: before 18 June 2022

Early registration deadline: 29 June 2022

Please note: the pre-registration process (see below for details) needs to be concluded on June 29 in order to profit from the reduced early-registration fee.


Conference fees (EURO, incl. VAT)

Participant category

Early registration

Late registration










Industrial = exhibitor *)



*) specifically for employees of exhibitors and sponsors of the conference. Other industrial participants, please select "Regular"

Conference fees include all programmed afternoon and evening (Gala) dinners and the Wednesday excursion. The Accompanying conference fee (meant for partners) includes the dinners and excursion, but does not give access to the scientific sessions and the trade show.


Accomodation is to be booked separately and individually, see Travel & Accomodation section.


Participants requiring a visa to enter France are kindly requested to inform the organizers in due time.

Dietary preferences can be communicated during the registration procedure, or contact Erik Kerstel.


Registration takes places in two steps:

1) First you should pre-registrer on the "Azur-Colloque" pre-registration website.

2) Once your pre-registration has been validated (manually; normally within one working day but please allow a few days in exceptional cases), you will receive an email from <> with subject AzurColloque DR11 dr11 - Thank you for your pre-registration to the "Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research" and with a link to the "Azur-Colloque" registration website. Here you can complete the process, first by identifying yourself using the same name and email address you provided in the previous step, then by executing payment by either credit card (preferred method if using a Master or Visa Card -- we are receiving reports of unsuccessful transactions with different cards, AmEx in particular) or bank transfer. You will receive an automatically generated invoice, either immediately following the credit card transaction, or after selecting the bank transfer option. Please be aware that your registration is not taken into account until payment has been received. Even if you pre-registered before the early registration deadline, the late registration fee will be applied after June 29 if you did not execute a successful payment by credit card or did not receive the pro-forma invoice before then. 

All payments are final. Refunds can be made in two cases only: refusal of your visa application or a medical emergency. 

Note also that this registration procedure does not automatically create the account on this website necessary for the submission of a paper for an oral or poster presentation. In fact, the Paper Submission page will first ask you to log in or to create a submission account.


*) During the pre-registration you are asked to provide personal information. In the “You are” field you can indicate to what category of participant you reckon yourself: Researcher, Student, or a Representative of Industry or the Press. The non-obligatory field of “Contact Name” can be used to provide the name of your secretary or assistant. Some translations from French to English are a bit awkward … in case you need help, contact us.


Exhibitors and Sponsors:

Please contact Erik Kerstel for details.

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